Major Gummy Smile
Minor Gummy Smile is a condition that affects 10% of young Adults (Ages 20-35). It is caused by a variety of factors including excess gum covering the teeth due to an abnormal eruption of the teeth, an excess of maxillary jaw bone, a short upper lip or a "Hyperactive" upper lip that retracts too much during full smile.
However, a gummy smile can be also related to a serious dental condition. In fact, an improper bite due to an excessive protrusion of the upper jaw affects your long-term oral health.
However, a gummy smile can be also related to a serious dental condition. In fact, an improper bite due to an excessive protrusion of the upper jaw affects your long-term oral health.
Nowadays, gummy smile can be fixed through various treatments. Depending on the case, different treatment options maybe available, of which are: